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CentOS - WikipediaCentOS developers use Red Hat's source code to create a final product very similar to RHEL. Red Hat's branding and logos are changed because Red Hat does not allow them to be redistributed. 38 CentOS is available free o
Folk music - WikipediaFrom a historical perspective, traditional folk music had these characteristics: 12
Fedora Linux - WikipediaA live media drive can be created using Fedora Media Writer or the dd command, 26 allowing users to try Fedora Linux without writing any changes to their hard drives.
Tyler, Texas - WikipediaLegal recognition of Tyler was initiated by an act of the state legislature on April 11, 1846. The Texas government created Smith County and authorized a county seat.
Pasadena, California - WikipediaPasadena means valley in the language of the Ojibwe, a Native American tribe not local to the region. The name was chosen by American colonists from Indiana who would later move to the area. 3
Automated clearing house - WikipediaThe first automated clearing house was BACS in the United Kingdom, which started processing payments in April 1968. 4
Waste management - WikipediaThe aim of waste management is to reduce the dangerous effects of such waste on the environment and human health. A big part of waste management deals with municipal solid waste, which is created by industrial, commercia
Hermosa Beach, California - WikipediaThe first city election for city officers was held December 24, 1906. On January 14, 1907, Hermosa Beach became the nineteenth incorporated city of Los Angeles County.
Guano - WikipediaThe 19th-century seabird guano trade played a pivotal role in the development of modern input-intensive farming. The demand for guano spurred the human colonization of remote bird islands in many parts of the world.
Rockabilly - WikipediaZeb Turner's February 1953 recording of Jersey Rock with its mix of musical styles, lyrics about music and dancing, and guitar solo, 20 is another example of the mixing of musical genres in the first half of the 1950s
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